Beverages : Kvass - how to prepare this Russian item


Kvass is a traditional Slavic fermented beverage made from bread, often considered a non-alcoholic alternative to beer. Here's a basic recipe for making kvass at home:


1. 4 slices of rye bread (or any dark bread)

2. 4 liters of water

3. 1 cup of sugar

4. 10-15 raisins

5. 1 tablespoon of active dry yeast


1. **Prepare the Bread:** Toast the bread slices until they are golden brown. Avoid burning them, as it can give a bitter taste to the kvass.

2. **Boil Water:** Bring 4 liters of water to a boil and let it cool to a warm temperature. It should be warm to the touch but not hot.

3. **Dissolve Sugar:** Dissolve the sugar in the warm water. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

4. **Add Bread:** Break the toasted bread into smaller pieces and place them in a large, non-metallic container. Pour the sweetened warm water over the bread.

5. **Cooling Stage:** Let the mixture cool to room temperature. It may take several hours.

6. **Add Yeast:** Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm water and add it to the bread-water mixture.

7. **Fermentation:** Cover the container with a cloth or loosely with a lid, allowing air to flow. Let it ferment for about 1-2 days in a warm place. Stir the mixture once or twice a day.

8. **Strain and Bottle:** After fermentation, strain the liquid to remove bread particles. Add raisins to the strained liquid for additional flavor. Pour the liquid into bottles, leaving some space at the top.

9. **Secondary Fermentation:** Seal the bottles and let them ferment for an additional 1-2 days. This builds carbonation.

10. **Chill and Serve:** Once the desired level of fermentation is reached, refrigerate the kvass. Serve it cold and enjoy!

Note: The fermentation time may vary based on temperature and personal taste preferences. Adjust sugar or yeast amounts accordingly.


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