Cuisine : Coxinha- Preparation of this delicious Brazilian snack


Coxinha is a popular Brazilian snack. To make it, start by preparing a dough with shredded chicken, broth, flour, and butter. Cook until it thickens, then let it cool. Take portions of the dough, flatten, add a chicken filling, and shape into drumstick-like forms. Dip in beaten eggs, coat with breadcrumbs, and deep-fry until golden. 

 Here's a more detailed recipe for making Coxinha:


- 2 cups shredded cooked chicken

- 2 cups chicken broth

- 2 tablespoons butter

- 2 cups all-purpose flour

- Salt to taste

- 1 onion, finely chopped

- 2 cloves garlic, minced

- 1 cup milk

- 2 eggs (for the dough)

- Breadcrumbs (for coating)

- Oil (for deep-frying)


1. **Prepare Filling:**

   - In a pan, sauté chopped onions and minced garlic in butter until translucent.

   - Add shredded chicken, salt, and cook until well combined.

   - Pour in chicken broth and let it simmer until the mixture thickens.

   - Allow the filling to cool.

2. **Prepare Dough:**

   - In a separate pot, heat milk with a pinch of salt and butter until it boils.

   - Add flour gradually while stirring continuously to avoid lumps.

   - Continue stirring until the dough forms and pulls away from the sides of the pot.

3. **Combine Filling and Dough:**

   - Let both the filling and dough cool to room temperature.

   - Take a portion of the dough, flatten it in your hand, add a spoonful of the chicken filling, and shape it into a cone or drumstick-like form.

4. **Coat with Egg and Breadcrumbs:**

   - Whisk eggs in a bowl.

   - Dip each coxinha into the beaten eggs, ensuring it's fully coated.

   - Roll the coxinha in breadcrumbs until it's evenly covered.

5. **Deep-Fry:**

   - Heat oil in a deep fryer or large pan to 350°F (175°C).

   - Carefully place the coated coxinhas into the hot oil and fry until they turn golden brown.

   - Remove and place them on paper towels to absorb excess oil.

6. **Serve:**

   - Coxinhas are best served warm. Enjoy them as a delicious snack or appetizer.

Now you have your homemade Coxinhas ready to be enjoyed!


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