Cuisine : Completo - how to make this popular Chilean item


The "Completo" is a popular Chilean hot dog, known for its variety of toppings. Here's how you can prepare a traditional Completo:


- Hot dog buns (preferably soft rolls)

- Beef or pork hot dogs

- Avocado, sliced

- Tomato, diced

- Sauerkraut

- Mayonnaise

- Mustard

- Ketchup

- A pinch of chili powder (optional)

- Pickles (optional)


1. **Prepare the Hot Dogs:**

   - Grill or cook the hot dogs according to your preference. This could be done on a grill, stovetop, or microwave.

2. **Prepare the Toppings:**

   - Slice the avocado, dice the tomato, and gather sauerkraut. You can also have pickles ready for an extra touch.

3. **Assemble the Completo:**

   - Place a hot dog in each bun.

4. **Add Toppings:**

   - Start layering the toppings on the hot dog. Traditionally, this includes sliced avocado, diced tomato, and sauerkraut.

5. **Sauces:**

   - Drizzle mayonnaise and mustard over the toppings. You can also add ketchup and a pinch of chili powder if desired.

6. **Optional Extras:**

   - If you like, add additional toppings such as pickles for extra flavor.

7. **Serve:**

   - Serve the Completo immediately while it's warm, and enjoy this flavorful and loaded Chilean hot dog!

Feel free to customize the toppings based on your preferences. The Completo is known for its combination of fresh ingredients and various condiments, creating a delicious and satisfying hot dog experience.


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