Cuisine : Asado - How to prepare this popular dish


Asado is a popular South American barbecue dish, particularly in Argentina and Uruguay. Here's a basic recipe for preparing traditional Argentine-style asado:


- Beef ribs or other cuts suitable for grilling

- Salt (preferably coarse salt)

- Chimichurri sauce (for serving)


1. **Prepare the Grill:**

   - Asado is traditionally cooked on a grill called a "parrilla." Start by setting up your grill for indirect grilling with a medium-high heat.

2. **Season the Meat:**

   - Generously season the beef ribs with coarse salt. Traditionally, only salt is used to let the natural flavors of the meat shine.

3. **Grilling:**

   - Place the seasoned meat on the grill, positioning the thicker parts closer to the hotter part of the grill.

   - Asado is cooked slowly, so be patient. Allow the meat to cook over indirect heat, turning occasionally to ensure even cooking.

4. **Wood or Charcoal:**

   - For authentic flavor, some people prefer using hardwood or charcoal, often adding wood chips for a smoky taste. This is especially common when cooking larger cuts over a more extended period.

5. **Cook to Perfection:**

   - Cooking times vary depending on the thickness of the meat and personal preference. Asado is often cooked until it reaches medium-rare to medium doneness.

6. **Resting:**

   - Once the meat is cooked to your liking, let it rest for a few minutes before slicing. This allows the juices to redistribute, keeping the meat moist.

7. **Serve with Chimichurri:**

   - Asado is typically served with chimichurri sauce, a flavorful mix of parsley, garlic, vinegar, oil, and spices. Drizzle the chimichurri over the sliced meat or serve it on the side.

8. **Accompaniments:**

   - Asado is often enjoyed with traditional side dishes like salads, grilled vegetables, and bread.

Remember that asado is as much about the experience as it is about the food, often involving social gatherings and the enjoyment of good company. Adjustments to the seasoning and grilling times can be made based on personal preferences and regional variations.


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