Travel : Mongolia - Best places to visit & other details


Mongolia is located in East Asia, bordered by Russia to the north and China to the south, east, and west. Here are some of the best places to visit in Mongolia:

1. **Ulaanbaatar:** The capital city is a vibrant mix of modern and traditional Mongolian culture. Visit the Gandantegchinlen Monastery, the National Museum of Mongolia, and the Zaisan Memorial for panoramic views of the city.

2. **Gobi Desert:** Explore one of the world's largest deserts, known for its vast landscapes, sand dunes, and unique wildlife like the Bactrian camel and the elusive snow leopard. Highlights include the Flaming Cliffs, Khongoryn Els sand dunes, and Yolyn Am canyon.

3. **Khövsgöl Lake:** Often referred to as the "Blue Pearl of Mongolia," Khövsgöl is the country's largest freshwater lake, offering opportunities for fishing, hiking, and horseback riding. The surrounding Khövsgöl Nuur National Park is also home to diverse flora and fauna.

4. **Terelj National Park:** Located close to Ulaanbaatar, Terelj is a popular destination for hiking, camping, and experiencing the nomadic lifestyle in traditional ger camps. Don't miss Turtle Rock and Aryabal Meditation Temple.

5. **Orkhon Valley:** A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Orkhon Valley is rich in archaeological and historical significance, with ancient Turkic monuments, nomadic traditions, and stunning landscapes, including waterfalls and lush meadows.

6. **Karakorum:** Once the capital of the Mongol Empire, Karakorum is now home to the Erdene Zuu Monastery, one of the oldest monasteries in Mongolia. Explore the ruins of the ancient city and learn about Mongolia's imperial past.

7. **Altai Mountains:** Located in western Mongolia, the Altai Mountains offer breathtaking scenery, including snow-capped peaks, alpine lakes, and glaciers. It's an ideal destination for trekking, mountaineering, and wildlife spotting.

8. **Khosvgol Nuur National Park:** Another beautiful national park, Khosvgol Nuur is known for its pristine alpine scenery, crystal-clear lake, and diverse wildlife, including reindeer herds and rare bird species.

These are just a few highlights of what Mongolia has to offer. Whether you're interested in history, nature, or adventure, Mongolia has something for everyone to explore and enjoy.

Best seasons

The best seasons to visit Mongolia depend on your preferences and what activities you plan to do:

1. **Summer (June to August):** This is the most popular time to visit Mongolia. The weather is warm, and the grasslands are lush and green, making it ideal for outdoor activities like hiking, horseback riding, and camping. The Naadam Festival, Mongolia's largest traditional festival, also takes place in July, featuring wrestling, horse racing, and archery competitions.

2. **Spring (April to May):** Spring is a beautiful time to visit Mongolia as the landscape comes to life with blooming wildflowers and newborn animals. The weather is mild, and there are fewer tourists compared to the summer months. It's a great time for birdwatching and witnessing the nomadic way of life.

3. **Autumn (September to October):** Autumn is characterized by cool temperatures and stunning fall foliage, especially in the northern regions of Mongolia. The crowds thin out, and you can still enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and horse riding before the onset of winter.

4. **Winter (November to March):** Winter in Mongolia is harsh, with freezing temperatures and heavy snowfall, especially in the northern and western regions. However, if you're interested in experiencing the unique beauty of Mongolia in winter, it's an excellent time for activities like ice fishing, dog sledding, and visiting the famous Eagle Hunters.


As for cuisine, Mongolian cuisine is hearty and meat-centric, reflecting the nomadic lifestyle of its people. Some popular dishes include:

1. **Buuz:** Steamed dumplings filled with minced meat, usually mutton or beef, and onions.

2. **Khuushuur:** Deep-fried pockets of dough filled with minced meat and sometimes vegetables.

3. **Buurid:** Barbecued skewered meat, often served with rice or noodles.

4. **Tsuiwan:** Noodle soup made with meat, vegetables, and homemade noodles.

5. **Boortsog:** Fried dough pastries served as a snack or dessert, often eaten during festivals and celebrations.

6. **Airag:** Fermented mare's milk, a traditional Mongolian beverage with a slightly sour taste.

These dishes provide a taste of Mongolian culture and are often enjoyed with family and friends, especially during special occasions and gatherings.


Mongolia has a few airlines that operate both domestic and international flights. Some of the prominent airlines in Mongolia include:

1. **MIAT Mongolian Airlines:** The national flag carrier of Mongolia, MIAT operates international flights to destinations such as Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo, Moscow, Berlin, and Istanbul, as well as domestic flights within Mongolia.

2. **Hunnu Air:** A private airline based in Ulaanbaatar, Hunnu Air operates domestic flights to various destinations within Mongolia, as well as international flights to cities in China and Russia.

3. **Aero Mongolia:** Another domestic airline based in Ulaanbaatar, Aero Mongolia offers flights to several domestic destinations within Mongolia, as well as international flights to cities in China.

4. **Eznis Airways:** Eznis Airways was a former Mongolian airline that provided domestic and international flights. However, it ceased operations in 2014.

These airlines play a crucial role in connecting Mongolia with the rest of the world and providing transportation options for both domestic and international travelers.


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