Brazil flood situation remains grim with increasing casualties & fresh rainfall


There has been devastation in Brazil due to the severe floods that came after the earthquake in the past few days. About 126 people have died here. At the same time, it is being told that about 756 people have been injured in this flood. 20 lakh people have been affected by the flood. Looking at the situation, the rescue team is engaged in rescue work in the area. Due to heavy rains in Brazil, roads have collapsed badly in many places. However, the sky once again opened on Friday, which gave some relief to the people. While the number of people evacuating their homes has doubled in 24 hours.

Experts believe that climate change has been affected due to the El Niño weather phenomenon. Floods after heavy rains in the South American country Brazil have wreaked havoc. Thousands of people have become homeless. Many cities are flooded and landslides have started. It is being told that dozens of people have gone missing in this flood. The Civil Defense Agency said that 756 people have also been injured in rain-related incidents.

At the same time, water levels in Rio Grande do Sul are rising rapidly, increasing pressure on the city's dams and drainage systems. In the economically important city of Porto Alegre, business has started to collapse due to rain and floods. According to officials, 141 people are still missing.

The situation in Porto Alegre, the capital of Rio Grande do Sul state, was found to be somewhat normal on Friday. Some businesses were seen open in the city of 1.4 million people. At the same time, the water on the roads was also found to be decreasing. But perhaps rain gods did not like this and once again there was heavy rain. According to the National Meteorology Institute, rain is expected in the region today with strong winds and hail. The Metsul meteorological site recorded 200 mm (7.9 inches) of rain as of Monday.

Drinking water shortage

The water level of the state's Guaíba river reached historic levels this week.  According to Civil Protection data, the number of people forced to leave their homes doubled in the last 24 hours to around 411,000. More than 71 thousand people are living in camps. Water supply is still very low. Drinking water bottles are very less available in Porto Alegre. Tankers are being delivered to camps and hospitals.

Roads in the devastated city of Eldorado do Sul are submerged in flood water. Food is being delivered to the people with the help of boats. Actually, people here are not ready to leave their homes because they believe that looting may take place. More than 85,000 houses were destroyed by the flood. At the same time, the economy of the agricultural sector has also been hit. Rice growing areas around Porto Alegre are flooded with up to two meters of water.


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