Sporting icons: Roger Milla - career details & video of this African soccer legend


Roger Milla, born on May 20, 1952, in Yaoundé, Cameroon, is a legendary footballer renowned for his remarkable skill and longevity on the field. Known for his pivotal role in Cameroon's historic 1990 World Cup run, Milla became an iconic figure with his dynamic play and jubilant goal celebrations. His achievements include winning the African Cup of Nations and being named African Player of the Year twice. Milla's legacy extends beyond his playing days, as he has inspired generations of African footballers and remains a celebrated figure in the sport.

**Playing Style:**

Roger Milla was known for his exceptional skill, agility, and creativity on the field. As a forward, he had a unique playing style characterized by:

- **Technical Skill:** Milla possessed excellent ball control, dribbling, and the ability to execute intricate moves that often left defenders off balance.

- **Pace and Agility:** Even in his later years, he maintained impressive speed and nimbleness, allowing him to outmaneuver opponents.

- **Positioning:** His awareness and intelligence on the field meant he was often in the right place at the right time to score goals.

- **Celebrations:** Milla became famous for his jubilant and iconic goal celebrations, notably his dance at the corner flag during the 1990 FIFA World Cup.


Roger Milla's career is highlighted by numerous achievements both at the club and international levels:

1. **Club Career:**

   - **Tonnerre Yaoundé:** Milla had multiple stints with this Cameroonian club, where he won several league titles.

   - **Valenciennes (France):** Milla played in the French league, helping to raise his profile in European football.

   - **AS Monaco, Bastia, Saint-Étienne, and Montpellier (France):** His European club career included successful spells at these clubs, where he was known for his scoring prowess and impactful performances.

2. **International Career:**

   - **African Cup of Nations:** Milla won the African Cup of Nations with Cameroon in 1984 and 1988, and he was named the best player of the tournament in 1986.

   - **FIFA World Cup:** Milla gained international fame at the 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy, where he scored four goals and led Cameroon to the quarter-finals, making them the first African team to reach that stage. His performance was remarkable given he was 38 years old at the time. He returned for the 1994 World Cup in the USA and, at the age of 42, became the oldest goalscorer in World Cup history with his goal against Russia.

3. **Individual Awards:**

   - **African Player of the Year:** Milla was named African Player of the Year in 1976 and 1990.

   - **CAF's Best African Player of the Last 50 Years:** In 2007, Milla was voted the best African player of the last 50 years by the Confederation of African Football.


Roger Milla is celebrated not only for his on-field achievements but also for his role in putting African football on the global map. His performances at the World Cup inspired future generations of African footballers and helped change perceptions about the potential of football teams from the continent. His legacy is also marked by his philanthropy and work in promoting sports and development in Africa.

Watch in below video some of Roger Milla's best & most memorable moments 


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