Cuisine : Gado Gado- How to prepare this indonesian item


Gado-gado is an Indonesian salad made with blanched and steamed vegetables, hard-boiled eggs, tofu, tempeh, and lontong (rice cakes), served with a rich peanut sauce. Here’s how to prepare it:



- 200g bean sprouts

- 200g green beans, cut into 2-inch pieces

- 200g spinach or water spinach

- 2 carrots, julienned

- 1 cucumber, sliced

- 200g cabbage, shredded

- 4 boiled potatoes, sliced

- 4 hard-boiled eggs, halved

- 200g tofu, fried and cut into cubes

- 200g tempeh, fried and cut into cubes

- Lontong (optional)

 Peanut Sauce:

- 200g roasted peanuts or 200g peanut butter

- 3 cloves garlic

- 5 bird's eye chilies (adjust to taste)

- 2 tablespoons tamarind juice

- 2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce (kecap manis)

- 2 tablespoons palm sugar (or brown sugar)

- Salt to taste

- Water, as needed


1. **Prepare the Vegetables:**

   - Blanch the bean sprouts, green beans, and spinach until just tender but still crisp. Set aside.

   - Steam the carrots and cabbage until they are cooked but still have a bit of crunch. Set aside.

2. **Prepare the Protein:**

   - Fry the tofu and tempeh until golden brown. Set aside.

3. **Cook the Potatoes and Eggs:**

   - Boil the potatoes and eggs until done. Slice the potatoes and halve the eggs.

4. **Make the Peanut Sauce:**

   - If using whole peanuts, grind them into a paste using a food processor. If using peanut butter, skip this step.

   - Blend or crush the garlic and chilies into a fine paste.

   - In a saucepan, combine the ground peanuts or peanut butter with the garlic-chili paste.

   - Add tamarind juice, sweet soy sauce, palm sugar, and salt.

   - Gradually add water, stirring constantly, until the sauce reaches your desired consistency. It should be thick but pourable.

   - Simmer the sauce over low heat for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently.

5. **Assemble the Gado-Gado:**

   - On a large serving platter, arrange the blanched and steamed vegetables, fried tofu and tempeh, boiled potatoes, and hard-boiled eggs.

   - Pour the peanut sauce generously over the top.

   - Serve with sliced cucumber and lontong, if using.

### Serving Suggestions:

- Garnish with fried shallots and fresh herbs, like coriander or basil, if desired.

- Serve with extra peanut sauce on the side for those who want more.

Enjoy your homemade gado-gado, a nutritious and flavorful Indonesian dish!


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