Cuisine : Kimchi - How to prepare this Korean side dish


Kimchi is a traditional Korean side dish made from fermented vegetables, primarily Napa cabbage and Korean radishes, with a variety of seasonings. Here’s a detailed recipe to make a classic Napa cabbage kimchi:


Main Ingredients:

- 1 large Napa cabbage (about 2 kg)

- 1 cup coarse sea salt

- 5 cups water

#### Filling:

- 1 large Korean radish (or daikon), julienned

- 4-5 green onions, chopped

- 1 medium carrot, julienned (optional)

#### Kimchi Paste:

- 1/2 cup Korean red pepper flakes (gochugaru)

- 1/4 cup fish sauce (or soy sauce for vegetarian)

- 1/4 cup salted shrimp (saeujeot) (optional)

- 1/4 cup water

- 1 tablespoon sugar

- 1 small onion

- 1 small apple or Asian pear

- 6 cloves garlic

- 1-inch piece ginger

- 2 tablespoons glutinous rice flour (or regular rice flour)


1. **Salting the Cabbage:**

   - Cut the cabbage lengthwise into quarters and remove the core. Cut each quarter into 2-inch wide strips.

   - Dissolve 1 cup of sea salt in 5 cups of water to make a brine.

   - Place the cabbage pieces in a large bowl and pour the brine over them. Ensure the cabbage is well soaked.

   - Every 30 minutes, toss the cabbage to ensure even salting. Leave it for 1.5 to 2 hours until the cabbage softens.

2. **Preparing the Kimchi Paste:**

   - In a small pot, mix 2 tablespoons of glutinous rice flour with 1 cup of water. Cook over medium heat, stirring continuously, until it becomes a thick paste. Let it cool.

   - In a blender, combine the cooled rice paste, garlic, ginger, onion, apple or Asian pear, fish sauce, salted shrimp (if using), sugar, and water. Blend until smooth.

   - Transfer the blended mixture to a bowl and add the Korean red pepper flakes (gochugaru). Mix well to form a thick paste.

3. **Preparing the Vegetables:**

   - Rinse the salted cabbage under cold running water several times to remove excess salt. Drain well.

   - In a large mixing bowl, combine the cabbage, radish, green onions, and carrot (if using).

4. **Mixing the Kimchi:**

   - Wearing disposable gloves, spread the kimchi paste evenly over the vegetables, ensuring all pieces are well coated. It’s important to massage the paste into the cabbage thoroughly.

5. **Fermentation:**

   - Pack the coated cabbage mixture tightly into a clean, airtight container or a traditional kimchi jar.

   - Press down firmly to remove any air bubbles and ensure the vegetables are submerged in the liquid.

   - Leave the container at room temperature for 1-2 days to start the fermentation process. Depending on the temperature, it may take longer for the fermentation to begin.

   - Once you see bubbles and notice a tangy smell, transfer the kimchi to the refrigerator to slow down the fermentation. It can be consumed immediately but will develop a better flavor over time.

### Storage:

- Kimchi can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks to months. The flavor will continue to develop and become more pronounced with time.

### Serving:

- Kimchi can be served as a side dish with Korean meals, added to soups, stews, or stir-fries, or used in various dishes like kimchi fried rice or kimchi pancakes.

Enjoy making and savoring your homemade kimchi!


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