Rugby World Cup 23 : Italy outplayed Uruguay to top group with France


Italy pulled off a brilliant 2nd half show to outplay Uruguay after the South American team led 17-7 at half time .

The match changed  when Uruguay captain Andres Vilaseca was sent to the sin bin, after which Italy started to dominate and procured a  bonus point.

Michele Lamaro, Monty Ioane, Lorenzo Cannone and Juan Ignacio Brex all crossed after half time as Italy dominated .

Italy were emphatic after the break as they raked up 31 points to seal the game .  The final scoreline was 38-17 . 

At this stage both Italy and France are topping the group though Italy has the advantage of bonus points.   

However France will play minnows Namibia while Italy will face stronger New Zealand in their next round of games.


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