Cuisines : Chimichurri - How to prepare this dish


Chimichurri is a flavorful and versatile sauce or marinade that is widely used in Argentine and Uruguayan cuisine. It's typically served with grilled meats, but it can also be used as a condiment for various dishes. Here's a simple recipe for making chimichurri:


- 1 cup fresh parsley leaves, finely chopped

- 3-4 cloves garlic, minced

- 2 tablespoons fresh oregano leaves, chopped (or 1 tablespoon dried oregano)

- 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes (adjust to taste for spiciness)

- 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar (or white wine vinegar)

- 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil

- Salt and black pepper to taste

- 1-2 tablespoons lemon juice (optional, for added brightness)


1. Start by finely chopping the fresh parsley and fresh oregano if you're using it. If you prefer a smoother chimichurri, you can also use a food processor to pulse the herbs and garlic.

2. In a bowl, combine the finely chopped parsley, minced garlic, oregano, and red pepper flakes. Mix them together.

3. Add the red wine vinegar to the herb mixture. This helps to brighten the flavors.

4. Slowly drizzle in the extra-virgin olive oil while whisking continuously to emulsify the sauce. The chimichurri should become thicker and well combined.

5. Season the sauce with salt and black pepper to taste. Adjust the spiciness by adding more red pepper flakes if desired.

6. If you want a tangier chimichurri, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice to taste.

7. Taste and adjust the seasoning, adding more salt, pepper, vinegar, or lemon juice as needed to achieve the balance of flavors you prefer.

8. Allow the chimichurri to sit for at least 15-30 minutes before serving to allow the flavors to meld together.

Chimichurri is perfect for drizzling over grilled meats such as steak, chicken, or sausages. It can also be used as a dipping sauce for bread or as a marinade for various dishes. The freshness of the herbs and the tangy, garlicky flavors make it a delightful addition to many meals.


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