Russia's Luna25 fails in its mission as the spacecraft has crashed into the moon


Russia launched the Moon mission after 47 years, which was to land on the lunar surface on 21 August.  However, according to Roscosmos, the Luna-25 station collided with the moon, due to which the mission failed.   Russia had launched Luna-25 on 11 August.

 Germany's DW News quoted Russian space agency Roscosmos as saying that Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft has crashed on the moon.  The cameras on the lander of Luna-25 had already taken distant pictures of the moon from the earth.

 Roscosmos head Yuri Borisov told President Vladimir Putin in June that lunar missions are fraught with risks.  Their chances of success are only about 70 percent.

 There was a technical flaw in Luna-25

 Along with India's moon mission Chandrayaan-3, Russia's Luna-25 was also moving forward to land on the lunar surface.  Meanwhile, on August 19, there was a technical flaw in Luna-25, due to which difficulties had arisen.

 The Russian Space Agency came to know about the emergency on Saturday itself while examining Luna-25.  At the same time, Chandrayaan-3 of India has also reached very close to the moon.  During this, a deboosting process to take the Lander Module (LM) near the moon has been completed safely for Chandrayaan-3


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