Chandrayaan-3 enters into 153x163 km Orbit , one step closer to destination


After Successful firing today 16th August 2023,  India Moon Lander Chandrayaan3 has entered into Orbit of 153×163 Km as intended. With this all Lunar bound maneuvers are done .

 Tomorrow 17th Aug is one of big day as both Lander & Propulsion module will be seperated.

"A step closer towards the Moon! Today’s successful firing, needed for a short duration, has put #Chandrayaan3 into an orbit of 153 km x 163 km, as intended. With this, the lunar bound maneuvres have been completed," MoS Science & Technology Dr Jitendra Singh tweets. 

Chandrayaan-3 Mission | ISRO tweeted  , "Today’s successful firing, needed for a short duration, has put Chandrayaan-3 into an orbit of 153 km x 163 km, as intended. With this, the lunar bound maneuvres are completed. It’s time for preparations as the Propulsion Module and the Lander Module gear up for their separate journeys. Separation of the Lander Module from the Propulsion Module is planned for August 17, 2023."


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