Preparation of Laphing , a tibetian dish


Laphing is a popular Tibetan dish made from mung bean flour and typically served cold as a street food. Here's a basic recipe to prepare Laphing:


For the Dough:

- 1 cup mung bean flour (also known as green gram flour)

- Water

- Salt

For the Sauce:

- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

- 1 tablespoon minced garlic

- 1 tablespoon minced ginger

- 1 teaspoon red chili flakes (adjust to taste)

- 1 teaspoon Sichuan peppercorns, crushed (optional)

- 1 tablespoon soy sauce

- 1 tablespoon vinegar (rice vinegar or black vinegar)

- Salt to taste

- Chopped fresh cilantro and green onions for garnish


1. Prepare the Dough:

   - In a mixing bowl, combine the mung bean flour with a pinch of salt.

   - Gradually add water while stirring to form a smooth, thin batter. The batter should be runny but not too watery.

   - Let the batter sit for about 15-20 minutes to allow it to settle.

2. Prepare the Sauce:

   - In a saucepan, heat the vegetable oil over medium heat.

   - Add minced garlic and ginger, and sauté for a minute until fragrant.

   - Add red chili flakes and crushed Sichuan peppercorns (if using) and sauté for another minute.

   - Add soy sauce, vinegar, and salt. Mix well and let the sauce simmer for a couple of minutes. Adjust the seasoning to your taste.

3. Cook the Dough:

   - Heat a non-stick skillet or flat pan over medium heat. Brush a thin layer of the mung bean batter onto the pan to form a crepe-like layer.

   - Cook until the batter sets and becomes translucent. It should be easy to lift off the pan.

   - Once cooked, carefully peel off the sheet and place it on a clean surface. Repeat the process to make more sheets.

4. Assemble the Laphing:

   - Place a cooked mung bean sheet on a plate.

   - Spread a spoonful of the prepared sauce over the sheet.

   - Roll the sheet into a tight cylinder, similar to a spring roll.

   - Cut the rolled sheet into bite-sized pieces.

5. Garnish and Serve:

   - Garnish the Laphing with chopped cilantro and green onions.

Laphing is usually served cold, so you can refrigerate it for a while before serving. It's a spicy, tangy, and flavorful dish that's perfect for a refreshing snack, especially during warm weather.


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