Mysterious pyramid like structure found beneath ice in Antartica


Social media users and conspiracy theorists claim that a new pyramid has been discovered in Antarctica. Recently satellite photos related to this have surfaced. A mysterious triangle structure has been seen in the icy continent, which is being described as the world's newest wonder. Many people are raising questions about where this new pyramid has come from. A shape that looks like a giant pyramid is seen in the pictures taken on the southern part of the Ellsworth mountain range of Antarctica.

The shape of a pyramid was seen here. The pyramid is clearly on a square base. It is up to two km in every direction. It is like the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. After its pictures surfaced, many conspiracy theorists are sharing their views. He is speculating about what it is and how it reached there. One person wrote that how was the pyramid transported from Egypt to there. Some people argued that aliens are behind this.

Some people online said that the fictional secret society Illuminati is behind this pyramid.  While some blamed humans for its design. Some people gave such imaginations, which are really surprising. One user wrote, 'This structure belongs to the civilization that existed before the flood. Antarctica was warm 10000 years ago.' However, before you believe any theory, know its truth. This is a mountain.

This surprising structure is known as Pyramidal Peak Mountain. Dr. Mitch Darcy, a geologist at the German Research Center for Geosciences in Potsdam, said that this pyramid-shaped mountain is located in the Ellsworth Mountains which is more than 400 km long. So there is no surprise in it. It is a coincidence that the rock is clearly made of a special shape. It is common for mountains to have such a shape. Because it is the only one visible among the snow, it is being considered unique.


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