Cuisine : Tashreeb - Steps to prepare this middle east dish in detail


Tashreeb is a traditional Middle Eastern dish, often made with bread soaked in flavorful broth and accompanied by meat or vegetables. Here's a basic recipe for Tashreeb:


- Lamb or chicken, cut into pieces

- Bread (preferably Arabic flatbread), torn into pieces

- Chicken or vegetable broth

- Onion, finely chopped

- Garlic, minced

- Tomatoes, diced

- Spices: cumin, coriander, paprika, salt, pepper

- Olive oil


1. In a large pot, sauté chopped onion and minced garlic in olive oil until golden brown.

2. Add the meat pieces to the pot and brown them on all sides.

3. Season the meat with cumin, coriander, paprika, salt, and pepper according to your taste.

4. Add diced tomatoes and cook until they soften.

5. Pour in enough chicken or vegetable broth to cover the meat. Bring it to a simmer.

6. Tear the bread into pieces and add it to the pot. Allow the bread to soak up the broth and become soft.

7. Continue simmering until the meat is cooked through and the flavors meld together.

8. Adjust the seasoning if needed and serve the Tashreeb hot.

Feel free to customize the recipe with your favorite spices and additional vegetables. Enjoy your Tashreeb!


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