The festival of Dhanteras & its significance


Dhanteras marks the beginning of the Diwali festival in India. According to legend, it is believed that on this day, the wealth goddess Lakshmi emerged during the churning of the cosmic ocean. To welcome her, people clean and decorate their homes, and purchase gold, silver, or utensils, symbolizing prosperity. Lighting lamps is also common, signifying the triumph of light over darkness. Dhanteras is a time for prayers, rituals, and seeking blessings for wealth and well-being.

On Dhanteras in India, people engage in various festivities and traditions. Some common practices include:

1. **Buying Precious Metals and Utensils:** It is customary to purchase gold, silver, or new utensils on Dhanteras. This is believed to bring prosperity and good luck.

2. **Cleaning and Decorating Homes:** People thoroughly clean and decorate their homes to welcome Goddess Lakshmi. Rangoli (colorful patterns made on the floor), flowers, and lights are used for decoration.

3. **Lighting Lamps and Candles:** The festival is associated with the triumph of light over darkness. Lighting lamps and candles is a symbolic gesture to drive away negativity and invite positive energy.

4. **Offering Prayers:** Special prayers and pujas are conducted on Dhanteras. People visit temples and perform rituals to seek the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi for wealth and well-being.

5. **Feasting:** Families come together for a special meal on Dhanteras. Traditional sweets and savory dishes are prepared to celebrate the occasion.

6. **Exchanging Gifts:** People exchange gifts as a gesture of goodwill and love. It is common to share sweets, dry fruits, and other festive items with friends and family.

Overall, Dhanteras sets a joyful and auspicious tone for the Diwali celebrations that follow.


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