Beverage : Atol De Elote- how to make his corn based beverage


Atol de Elote is a traditional and creamy corn-based beverage commonly enjoyed in many Central American countries, including El Salvador. Here's how it's typically made:


- Fresh or canned sweet corn kernels (about 2 cups)

- Water (about 4-5 cups)

- Milk (about 1 cup)

- Sugar (to taste)

- Cinnamon sticks (optional, for flavor)

- Ground cinnamon (for garnish)

- Salt (a pinch, to enhance flavor)

- Vanilla extract (a few drops, optional)


1. **Prepare the Corn:**

   - If you're using fresh corn, you'll need to remove the kernels from the cob. If you're using canned corn, drain and rinse it.

2. **Blend the Corn:**

   - Place the corn kernels in a blender and add a portion of the water. Blend until you have a smooth, creamy mixture. You may need to do this in batches.

3. **Strain the Mixture:**

   - Pour the blended corn mixture through a fine-mesh strainer into a large pot or bowl. This helps remove any remaining solids, leaving you with a smoother liquid.

4. **Cook the Atol:**

   - Transfer the strained liquid back to the pot and add the remaining water. Place it over medium heat and stir constantly to prevent lumps from forming.

5. **Add Milk and Sugar:**

   - Once the mixture begins to warm up, add the milk and sugar. The amount of sugar can vary depending on your preference for sweetness. Start with about 1/2 cup and adjust from there.

6. **Flavor with Cinnamon and Vanilla:**

   - You can add a cinnamon stick for flavor at this stage. If desired, add a few drops of vanilla extract to enhance the aroma.

7. **Simmer and Stir:**

   - Continue to simmer the mixture, stirring frequently to avoid sticking and lumps. It will start to thicken as it cooks.

8. **Adjust Consistency:**

   - Depending on your preference, you can adjust the thickness by adding more water or milk.

9. **Add a Pinch of Salt:**

   - To enhance the flavors, add a pinch of salt, which can balance the sweetness.

10. **Serve:**

    - Once the Atol de Elote reaches the desired consistency and flavors, remove it from the heat. Discard the cinnamon stick if used.

11. **Garnish:**

    - Serve the Atol de Elote in mugs or cups, and garnish with a sprinkle of ground cinnamon on top.

Atol de Elote is typically served warm and is a comforting and sweet beverage enjoyed as a dessert or snack in El Salvador and other Central American countries. The creamy corn flavor, combined with the hint of cinnamon and sweetness, makes it a delightful treat.


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