Cuisines : Riguas - How to make this corn pan cake


Riguas, also known as thick corn pancakes, are a traditional and savory dish from El Salvador. They are made from masa harina (corn masa flour) and can be filled with ingredients like cheese. Here's how to make riguas:


- 2 cups masa harina (corn masa flour)

- 1 1/2 cups water

- 1 cup grated cheese (queso fresco or queso duro)

- Salt to taste

- Optional fillings: You can add ingredients like cooked and seasoned pork (chicharrón), loroco (a native Central American flower bud), or other fillings to create different variations.


1. **Prepare the Masa Dough:**

   - In a mixing bowl, combine the masa harina and water. Knead the mixture until it forms a smooth, soft dough. Add a pinch of salt for flavor. If the dough is too dry, you can add a little more water; if it's too sticky, add a bit more masa harina.

2. **Divide the Dough:**

   - Divide the masa dough into small, golf ball-sized portions. You should get about 12-16 portions from this recipe.

3. **Flatten the Dough:**

   - Take one of the masa dough portions and flatten it with your hands into a small, round disc, about 4-5 inches in diameter.

4. **Add the Filling:**

   - Place a spoonful of grated cheese (or your choice of filling) in the center of the masa disc.

5. **Seal the Riguas:**

   - Carefully fold the masa disc over the filling, creating a half-moon shape. Pinch the edges to seal the rigua completely, ensuring the filling is enclosed.

6. **Flatten the Riguas:**

   - Gently press the stuffed masa disc between your hands, flattening it into a thicker pancake-like shape, usually about 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick. Make sure the rigua remains intact.

7. **Cook the Riguas:**

   - Heat a griddle or large, flat pan over medium-high heat. Once hot, place the riguas on the griddle and cook for about 3-4 minutes on each side or until they develop a golden-brown crust and the cheese melts.

8. **Serve:**

   - Remove the riguas from the griddle and serve them hot. They are typically enjoyed as a snack or side dish and can be served with salsa or other condiments.

Riguas are a flavorful and satisfying treat that can be customized with different fillings to suit your taste. Like pupusas, they are a traditional and beloved part of Salvadoran cuisine.


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