Cuisine : Bake & Saltfish - its preparation


"Bake and Saltfish" is a popular breakfast dish in Guyana, typically consisting of fried bread (bake) served with salted fish (saltfish) and various accompaniments. Here's a basic description of how it's commonly prepared:



- Flour

- Baking powder

- Salt

- Water or milk (to form a dough)

- Oil (for frying)


1. In a mixing bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and a pinch of salt.

2. Gradually add water or milk to the dry ingredients, mixing to form a soft dough.

3. Knead the dough briefly and then divide it into portions, shaping them into balls.

4. Flatten each ball into a round disc, creating the "bake."

5. Heat oil in a frying pan.

6. Fry each piece of dough until it puffs up and turns golden brown on both sides.



- Salted fish (cod or other preferred salted fish)

- Onions

- Tomatoes

- Peppers

- Seasonings (thyme, garlic, pepper)


1. Soak the salted fish in water to remove excess salt. Change the water a few times.

2. Flake the fish into small pieces.

3. In a separate pan, sauté chopped onions, tomatoes, peppers, and seasonings.

4. Add the flaked saltfish to the sautéed vegetables and cook until everything is well combined.


Bake and saltfish are typically served together. The fried bread (bake) is accompanied by the flavorful saltfish mixture. It's often garnished with additional vegetables or hot pepper sauce for extra flavor.

This dish is a delicious and filling breakfast option, reflecting the influence of Caribbean and West Indian culinary traditions in Guyana.


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