Cuisine : Kaqik - How this Guatemala dish is prepared


Kaq'ik is a traditional Mayan turkey stew from Guatemala. It has a unique flavor profile due to the use of ingredients like achiote (annatto), chilies, and other spices. Here's a basic recipe for preparing Kaq'ik:


- 1 whole turkey or chicken, cut into pieces

- 3-4 tablespoons of achiote paste (achiote is a red spice paste)

- 2-3 tomatoes, roasted and peeled

- 2-3 guaque chilies or other red chilies

- 2-3 green peppers

- 2-3 cloves of garlic

- 1-2 red onions, finely chopped

- 2-3 bunches of fresh cilantro

- 2-3 bunches of fresh mint

- 2-3 tablespoons of sesame seeds

- Salt to taste

- Water


1. Start by roasting the tomatoes, guaque chilies, and green peppers. You can do this over an open flame or in the oven. Once roasted, peel the tomatoes and chilies.

2. In a large pot, combine the achiote paste with a bit of water to make a thick, red sauce.

3. Add the roasted tomatoes, guaque chilies, and green peppers to a blender or food processor and blend them into a smooth paste.

4. Add the tomato and chili paste to the achiote sauce in the pot, and cook them together for a few minutes.

5. In a separate pot, add the turkey or chicken pieces and enough water to cover them. Bring it to a boil and simmer until the meat is cooked and tender. This can take a couple of hours.

6. Once the meat is cooked, add the red onion, garlic, and some chopped cilantro and mint to the pot.

7. Next, pour the achiote and chili sauce into the pot with the cooked meat.

8. Add the sesame seeds to the stew and let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together.

9. Season with salt to taste.

10. Garnish the Kaq'ik with additional cilantro and mint.

Kaq'ik is typically served with corn tortillas and often enjoyed during special occasions or celebrations in Guatemala. It has a rich and complex flavor with a hint of spiciness from the chilies and a pleasant earthy undertone from the achiote.


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