Cuisine : Cooked up Rice of Guyana & its preparation


"Cook-up Rice" is a traditional Guyanese dish that brings together rice, peas, and various meats in a flavorful one-pot preparation. Here's a simple description of how it's commonly made:


- Rice

- Red beans or black-eyed peas

- Coconut milk

- Various meats (chicken, pork, salted beef, or other preferred meats)

- Seasonings (onions, garlic, thyme, pepper)

- Vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, or others based on preference)

- Salt and pepper to taste


1. In a large pot, combine rice, red beans or black-eyed peas, and coconut milk. Add enough water to cover the ingredients.

2. Season the mixture with chopped onions, garlic, thyme, pepper, and any other preferred spices.

3. Add the meats to the pot. Common choices include chicken, pork, or salted beef.

4. Dice and add vegetables such as carrots and pumpkin to the pot.

5. Stir the ingredients well, ensuring everything is evenly distributed.

6. Bring the mixture to a boil and then reduce the heat to simmer.

7. Cook until the rice is tender and has absorbed the flavors of the other ingredients. This typically takes about 30-40 minutes.

8. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper according to taste.

Cook-up Rice is a hearty and comforting dish, and its variations often reflect the diverse culinary influences in Guyana. It's a staple in many households and is enjoyed on various occasions.


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