Cuisine: Acaraje - How to prepare this Brazilian dish


Acarajé is a popular Brazilian dish, especially in the Bahia region. It's a deep-fried ball of black-eyed pea dough filled with various ingredients like shrimp, vatapá (a spicy paste made from bread, shrimp, and other ingredients), and caruru (okra stew).

To prepare Acarajé, you'll need the following ingredients and follow these general steps:

### Ingredients:

- 2 cups of black-eyed peas (dry)

- 1 small onion, finely chopped

- 2 cloves of garlic, minced

- Salt to taste

- Water for soaking and blending

- Oil for frying

- Fillings: Dendê oil (palm oil), vatapá, caruru, and shrimp

### Steps:

1. **Soaking:**

   - Rinse the black-eyed peas and soak them in water for at least 4 hours or overnight.

2. **Blending:**

   - Drain the soaked peas and blend them into a thick, coarse paste. Add a little water if needed.

   - Mix in the chopped onion, minced garlic, and salt.

3. **Shaping:**

   - Wet your hands and shape the paste into small balls or patties.

4. **Frying:**

   - Heat oil in a deep pan. Fry the shaped paste until they are golden brown and crispy.

5. **Filling:**

   - Cut a small slit in each acarajé and fill it with vatapá, caruru, and shrimp.

6. **Serve:**

   - Drizzle with Dendê oil for authenticity.

Enjoy your homemade Acarajé!


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