Isreali citizens living in huge fear as ruthless war continues


Today is the fifth day of the war between Israel and Hamas and the war continues to wreak havoc on the lives of Israeli residents, with rocket attacks intensifying, forcing many to flee their homes and seek shelter elsewhere  

 Residents of Ashkelon, a city in southern Israel, said that there is a scary scene of war all around, people are living under the shadow of fear.  Due to this war that has been going on for five days, there is an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty among the people.  Yaakov, an Israeli citizen of Ashkelon, vividly described the terror that surrounded him, saying, "We have left our house because a rocket fell on our building... At the moment we have no shelter, we are at the local administration  "And they suggested we come here. My 11-year-old son, 2-year-old daughter, my wife and I are hiding in a hotel here."

 The anxiety and turmoil of Yaakov and his family shows how fear and loss of life have gripped Israelis.  Like many other Israeli cities and towns, Ashkelon has been the target of rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip, leading to a desperate need for safe havens for its residents.

Citizens described the horrifying scene of war

 Gelaya, another resident of Ashkelon, shared similar sentiments.  He said, "My children and family are here (hotel) because rockets fell on the roof of our neighbor's house, our windows were broken... For a week, we have been living here, now we don't know if this place is safe.  Is it or not… We want a new place… I want to tell our Prime Minister to… end this terrorism as soon as possible.

 Gelaya's plea to PM Netanyahu reflects his desperation and longing for an end to the ongoing conflict.  The emotional impact it has had on families and individuals cannot be underestimated, as the daily threat of rocket attacks and the trauma of seeking shelter in unfamiliar surroundings continues to impact their lives.

 As the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues to escalate, Israeli residents like Yaakov and Galaya are hoping for an end to the violence and return to normalcy.  According to the latest updates on the war, at least 900 Israelis have been killed and more than 2,600 wounded.  On the other hand, after Israel's strong counter-attack, more than 770 Palestinians have also been killed in air strikes.  The health ministry in Gaza said at least 770 Palestinians had been killed and 4,000 injured in Israeli air strikes.  A ministry spokesperson said the dead included 140 children and 120 women.

Netanyahu had given a strict warning

 A day earlier, in a stern warning to Hamas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel did not start this war but would "end it."  Netanyahu said in an address, "Israel is at war. We did not want this war. It was imposed on us in the most brutal and cruel way. But although Israel did not start this war, Israel will end it.


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