Yoga : Bhairavasana and Ankushasana - how to perform these excercises
Bhairavasana and Ankushasana are both advanced-level yoga poses that demand a high degree of flexibility, strength, and balance. These asanas are named after powerful symbols in Indian philosophy and mythology.
1. Bhairavasana (Pose of the Fearsome or Shiva Pose)
Bhairavasana is inspired by Lord Shiva, often referred to as Bhairava, symbolizing strength and destruction of negativity. This asana belongs to the arm-balancing category and incorporates an intense hip-opening and core engagement. Practicing Bhairavasana helps cultivate mental clarity and physical resilience.
2. Ankushasana (Pose of the Goad)
Ankushasana derives its name from "Ankusha," a goad used to direct elephants. This asana reflects control and discipline, teaching practitioners to manage the mind and body effectively. It emphasizes spinal flexibility, core strength, and focus.
How to Perform Bhairavasana
Preparatory Poses
Eka Pada Koundinyasana (One-legged arm balance)
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose)
Upavistha Konasana (Seated Wide-Angle Pose)
1. Begin in a seated position with legs extended.
2. Bring your right foot over your left shoulder while keeping your left leg extended.
3. Stabilize your upper body and plant your palms firmly on the ground.
4. Lift your body off the ground, supporting your weight on your hands while balancing the left leg extended straight out.
5. Maintain the pose for 15-30 seconds, then gently release.
6. Repeat on the other side.
Key Points
Ensure your palms are firmly grounded for balance.
Engage the core and maintain steady breathing.
Avoid forcing the leg over the shoulder; flexibility builds over time.
How to Perform Ankushasana
Preparatory Poses
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
1. Begin in a kneeling position with your spine erect.
2. Place your palms on your heels, allowing your chest to open upward.
3. Gently lean back, lifting your hips slightly while arching your back.
4. Maintain this pose, focusing on the stretch across your abdomen and spine.
5. Hold for 15-20 seconds before returning to the starting position.
Key Points
Keep your neck relaxed and aligned with your spine.
Avoid overextending your lower back.
Gradually deepen the stretch with consistent practice.
Both poses are advanced and should be performed under expert guidance.
Avoid these poses if you have injuries to the back, shoulders, or hips.
Warm up thoroughly before attempting these asanas.
Regular practice with patience and mindfulness will enhance strength, flexibility, and balance while deepening your yoga journey.
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