Yoga : Lolasana - Steps to perform this excercise



Lolasana, also known as the Pendant Pose, is a yoga asana primarily focused on strengthening the arms, shoulders, and core muscles while improving balance and concentration. The name "Lolasana" is derived from the Sanskrit words 'lola', meaning "to dangle or swing," and 'asana', meaning "pose." It is a challenging arm-balancing posture that requires physical strength, body awareness, and mental focus. Practicing Lolasana regularly can help build resilience and enhance one’s overall control over their body.

How to Perform Lolasana

Before attempting Lolasana, it's advisable to warm up with poses that engage the core, wrists, and shoulders, such as Plank Pose, Cat-Cow Pose, or Boat Pose.

Steps to Perform Lolasana:

  1. Starting Position:
    Sit on the floor in a cross-legged position (or Padmasana/Lotus Pose if comfortable).

  2. Hand Placement:
    Place your palms firmly on the floor next to your hips. Spread your fingers wide to create a stable base.

  3. Engage the Core:
    Activate your core muscles by drawing your navel inward and upward. This will help lift your body off the ground.

  4. Lift the Legs and Hips:
    Press into your palms and lift your hips and legs off the floor, balancing your entire body weight on your hands. Keep your legs tucked in close to your chest.

  5. Maintain Balance:
    Hold your body steady in the air while keeping your gaze focused forward. Avoid shrugging your shoulders; instead, draw them down and away from your ears.

  6. Breathing:
    Breathe steadily and deeply throughout the pose to maintain balance and focus.

  7. Hold and Release:
    Hold the pose for as long as you are comfortable, typically 5–10 seconds for beginners. Gradually increase the duration with practice. Slowly lower your body back to the floor.

Tips for Practice

  • Use Blocks: Beginners can use yoga blocks under their palms to create additional lift.
  • Strength Training: Incorporate strength-building exercises, such as push-ups and plank holds, to build the necessary arm and core strength.
  • Consistency: Regular practice is essential to master Lolasana. Even short, daily attempts will improve your ability over time.

Benefits of Lolasana

  • Strengthens arms, shoulders, wrists, and core muscles.
  • Improves balance, coordination, and body awareness.
  • Enhances focus and mental clarity.
  • Helps in developing resilience and self-discipline.

By integrating Lolasana into your yoga routine, you can cultivate a sense of inner strength and physical stability.


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