Yoga : Dandasana ( Staff Pose ) - Steps to perform this excercise
Dandasana ( Staff Pose ) ia a foundational seated yoga posture symbolizing strength and alignment.
Derived from Sanskrit words "Danda" (staff) and "Asana" (pose), representing an upright and steady spine.
Prepares the body for seated, forward-bending, and twisting poses.
How to Perform
1. Sit on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you, feet together.
2. Keep your spine erect, shoulders relaxed, and chest open.
3. Place your palms on the floor beside your hips, fingers pointing forward, and press gently.
4. Flex your feet, pointing toes upward, and engage your thigh muscles.
5. Distribute weight evenly on both sitting bones.
6. Maintain a steady gaze forward and hold the pose for several breaths.
Strengthens the back, core, and thigh muscles.
Improves posture and spinal alignment.
Stretches the shoulders and chest.
Enhances body awareness, stability, and balance.
Prepares the body for advanced seated postures.
Avoid if you have severe lower back pain or a spinal injury.
Use a cushion or blanket under the hips if hamstrings are tight.
Ensure the spine remains straight; do not slouch.
Practice under guidance if you experience discomfort or pain.
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