Yoga : Trivikramasana (The Supreme Foot Pose) how to perform

Introduction: Trivikramasana is an advanced yoga pose that requires flexibility, balance, and strength. The name comes from Sanskrit: "Tri" (three), "Vikrama" (stride or step), and "Asana" (pose), symbolizing the legendary three strides of Lord Vishnu's Vamana avatar. This pose is known for its deep stretch and the ability to improve concentration and stability. How to Perform Trivikramasana There are two variations of Trivikramasana: Front Raised Leg Variation – Lifting one leg straight up in front while standing. Side Raised Leg Variation – Lifting one leg straight to the side while standing. Steps to Perform the Front Raised Leg Variation: Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) with your feet together and spine straight. Shift your weight onto your left foot and slowly lift your right leg forward as high as possible. Hold your right foot with your right hand (or use a yoga strap if needed) and straighten the leg. Engage your core and ...