Yoga : Ashtanga Namaskara- how this excercise is performed
Ashtanga Namaskara, also known as the "Eight-Limbed Pose" or "Salute with Eight Parts," is a fundamental posture in yoga. It is part of the Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) sequence and holds symbolic significance, representing humility and surrender. The name reflects the eight points of the body that touch the ground in this pose: both hands, both feet, both knees, the chest, and the chin.
This pose is widely practiced for its ability to strengthen the upper body, enhance flexibility, and prepare the practitioner for deeper asanas. It also symbolizes devotion and reverence in yogic tradition.
Steps to Perform Ashtanga Namaskara
1. Start in Plank Pose (Phalakasana):
Begin by positioning your body in a straight line with your hands and feet on the ground. Keep your core engaged.
2. Lower the Knees to the Floor:
Gently bring both knees to the mat, ensuring they are hip-width apart.
3. Lower the Chest and Chin:
Bend your elbows and bring your chest and chin down to touch the ground. Ensure your hips remain slightly lifted.
4. Alignment:
Eight parts of the body should be in contact with the ground:
Two palms
Two knees
Two feet
Keep the elbows close to the body and ensure the chest is open.
5. Hold the Pose:
Maintain the position for a few breaths, focusing on alignment and breathing deeply.
6. Transition:
To exit the pose, slide forward into Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) or transition back to a plank or downward-facing dog as per your practice.
Benefits of Ashtanga Namaskara
Strengthens the arms, shoulders, and chest.
Improves spinal flexibility.
Enhances coordination and body awareness.
Encourages a sense of surrender and grounding.
Avoid if you have severe wrist, shoulder, or back injuries.
Ensure proper alignment to prevent strain on the lower back or neck.
Practice under guidance if you are a beginner.
Incorporating Ashtanga Namaskara into your practice can bring physical, mental, and spiritual benefits, fostering a balanced and grounded approach to yoga.
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