Cuisine : Pad Thai - How to prepare this popular Thai food


Pad Thai is a popular Thai dish known for its combination of sweet, sour, and savory flavors. Here's a detailed overview of how it's prepared:


- Rice noodles

- Protein of choice (usually shrimp, chicken, tofu, or a combination)

- Eggs

- Bean sprouts

- Green onions

- Garlic

- Tamarind paste

- Fish sauce

- Palm sugar

- Crushed peanuts

- Vegetable oil

- Lime wedges

- Chili flakes (optional)


1. **Soak the rice noodles**: Place the rice noodles in a large bowl and cover them with warm water. Let them soak for about 30 minutes or until they are soft but still slightly firm. Drain and set aside.

2. **Prepare the sauce**: In a small bowl, mix together tamarind paste, fish sauce, and palm sugar until the sugar is dissolved. Adjust the ratios to achieve the desired balance of sweet, sour, and salty flavors.

3. **Prepare the protein**: If using shrimp, chicken, or tofu, cook it in a pan with a bit of oil until fully cooked. Set aside.

4. **Cook the eggs**: In the same pan, scramble the eggs until they are fully cooked but still moist. Set aside.

5. **Stir-fry the aromatics**: Heat some oil in a large pan or wok over medium-high heat. Add minced garlic and chopped green onions, and sauté until fragrant.

6. **Add noodles and sauce**: Add the soaked rice noodles to the pan, along with the prepared sauce. Toss everything together until the noodles are evenly coated with the sauce.

7. **Add protein and eggs**: Add the cooked protein and eggs to the pan, and toss to combine with the noodles.

8. **Add bean sprouts and peanuts**: Add bean sprouts and crushed peanuts to the pan, and toss everything together until heated through.

9. **Serve**: Transfer the Pad Thai to serving plates and garnish with extra bean sprouts, peanuts, lime wedges, and chili flakes if desired. Enjoy your delicious homemade Pad Thai!

Remember, you can adjust the ingredients and seasoning according to your taste preferences. Enjoy your cooking!


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